6-month premium mentoring programme


Would you like to sort your business in a way so that you can earn 5- or 6-digit sums even on holiday?

Break free from working 24/7 and start operating strategically in your online business in order to generate up to 170.000 income in four months!




Do you have the courage to reach for more

and in 6 months build a stable, profitable business of your dreams?

You will diversify your income which is crucial in times of unstable economy, and automize sales

You will maximise the use of your knowledge, skills, experience and strong suits so as to develop your business in a way it survives the biggest crises, and what's the most important – it will generate money you expect

You will walk this path with the help of an online business expert who earned more than 500,000 PLN in this area, and other equally motivated women hungry for success and willing to change their mindset and business.

If you have ever heard that a woman should stay at home and not play dress-up as a businesswoman, turn a deaf ear to it. Ignore the people who look down on you when you say you have a business. Don’t listen to those who discourage you from going into online business because ‘it’s a rat race and it’s hard to stand out.

Cut ties with people who are not in the place you want to be and don’t even head in that direction.

It’s possible that…

You lack a strategic approach to your business

and a solid plan of action which will lead you to your goals step by step

You don't know how to utilize the great potential of online business

in order to fullfill your business goals, such as better earnings, bigger number of customers and less time spent on work

You lack support from people you surround yourself with

and all you get is advice, such as: “get a regular job’”

You stop believing that what you do makes sense

and that your idea for business can be successful

You start doubting

whether your work is needed and important to anyone

You are scared

that you won’t find new customers interested in your products and services on the Internet because the market is overbrought with similar offers

You don't make the money

you were hoping so the level of your motivation and creativity is dropping

You don't have an idea

how to convert a stationary business into online business in order to increase your sales, create a second leg in your business and diversify your income

All this undercuts you and your business does not prosper the way you want it to.


You are an expert with a tonne of knowledge but you are overloaded with work and, on top of that, you stop believing you can make good money without keeping your nose to the grindstone. You don’t need to settle for any first comers, you can acquire a premium customer who will pay you your money’s worth.

How do I know all this?

At first my business wasn’t going the way I imagined, too. I woked in a blindfold, with no strategy. I made a lot of mistakes but I didn’t give up. I searched for solutions to the problems I had, tested new ideas, read different publications and participated in various workshops abroad. Many of those were worth a 5-digit sums I paid, but most were just waffling in a pseudo-specialist jargon, no concrete facts. But all of the above lead me to where I am now..

What does this place look like?
Let me tell you!

I have a stable online business which works even if I don't and I'm on vacation.

I automised everything I could, which allows me to make money continuously and I don't worry if I sell anything and have money to pay bills.

I operate on starategy and planning – I don't wander blindfolded: I know exactly what the coming months will look like and what to do to increase income.

I connected my education and knowledge which I use in my stationary business with the possibilities that the online business brings and I sell online courses in my area of expertise sucessfully.

I surrounded myself with amazing, resourceful blasting women who, thanks to my help and their own work, reach for the stars everyday

And you know what? I believe you are such a woman.

A blasting woman with her own superowers.

Maybe you got lost or didn’t get the needed support. Perhaps you didn’t know how to use your strong suits to the fullest. Maybe you were afraid of getting into the online business because the vision of possible failure stopped you. Perhaps you didn’t have an idea how to connect the stationary and online businesses in order to gain new customers and increase sales.

But now you are here. In a place where you discover and reveal your potential in order to sucessfully launch your business!

My name is Karolina Kizińska

And I know how to help you set forth in your online business so that it brings satisfaction and money you expect.

I have already walk the path you are on right now. I built my online business during the pandemic, starting from scratch, so I do realise what obstacles and challanges entrepreneurs deal with every day.

I also worked 24/7, with no strategy, with miserable financial results. I was frustrated, as there was more and more work and no feasible results. I introduced a few changes which I will tell you about and the effects were astonishing.

My financial goal in my online business in 2021 was 100,000 PLN and I nearly doubled it. In the first 6 month of 2022 I earned over 250,000 PLN on the sales of my online courses after mere year and a half since I created the Online Superwomen brand. In the last year I have made over 500,000 PLN income which a couple of years before would seem impossible to do.

As you can see, I bet on results and I want you to achieve as high or even higher income. I believe that if I could do it, so can you!

Women’s Online Business Academy

is a mentoring programme in which I show you the experience I gained developing my online business – which will shorten your process and show you solutions that actually work.

Before I reached the place I am now I went through hundreds of courses which were often vague and didn’t bring anything new to the table. They lasted long hours, the instructors used complex terminology and I got lost in the intricacies of the information that I…. didn’t really need.

I lost thousands of zlotys and, what’s worse, my prescious time, which I could spend on what actually brought money. I don’t want you to go through the same thing and possibly get discouraged to online business.

That is why I give you tested solutions and condensed knowledge which I myself use in my business and thanks to which I reach 6-digit income. I will lead you through a process of building an online expert brand step by step. You will also meet other resourceful entrepreneurs who, just like you, want to plan their business, increase sales and work less.

Women’s Online Business Academy is

Building a successful woman’s mindset who’s ready for big money and abundance

Tools, methods and ways to effectively acquire customers and scale sales results

Mentoring and mastermind – ideas and ways to develop a profitable expert brand and online business

What will you gain when you join
Women’s Online Business Academy?

6 month of intense work

On your online business with my assistance and mentoring and the support of other women who understand your dilemmas and will cheer you on in your sucess,

two 3-day sessions live in Poznań

Which will leave you full of ideas and positive energy,

four all-day online sessions

To which I invited other experts to share their knowledge and experience in their areas,

PDF materials, scripts, templates, webinar presentations, a workbook, Online Superwomen Diary

i.e. Everything you need to systemize your knowledge and facilitate the development of your online business.

During the Women’s Online Business Academy
we will talk about:

BUSINESSWOMEN'S MINDSET (click to read more)

Jakie jest Twoje nastawienie do prowadzenia biznesu? Jak czujesz się w roli ekspertki? Jak mieć biznes, w którym się realizujesz, czujesz szczęśliwa, spełniona i który zarabia? Jak poszerzać strefę komfortu, mówić, by Cię słuchano i wpływać na ludzi? Jak pokonać strach przed wystąpieniami publicznymi na żywo oraz online? Jak mieć poczucie, że to, co robisz, jest ważne i ma znaczenie dla innych? Jak dać sobie szansę na nową wizję siebie oraz zbudować pewność siebie w biznesie? Jak pracować nad motywacją? Podczas pracy nad tymi zagadnieniami wykorzystamy między innymi moją autorską metodę SUKCES.


Jak zbudować markę ekspercką, która sprzedaje? Kto jest Twoją grupą docelową? Do kogo kierujesz swój produkt lub usługi? Jak wyróżnić się na rynku wśród dużej konkurencji? Gdy określisz, dla kogo chcesz sprzedawać swoje produkty oraz wprowadzisz zmiany, które Ci doradzę, zobaczysz, że możesz zdobywać klientów z lekkością. Przy pracy nad tymi zagadnieniami skorzystamy z moich autorskich metod 3E oraz 5S.


Rozrysujesz swój biznes, aby dokładnie wiedzieć, jaką drogą musisz podążać, aby osiągnąć wyznaczony cel. Określisz strategię swojego biznesu online oraz plan działania, aby w jak najkrótszym czasie odnieść sukces. Stworzysz lejki sprzedażowe, które NAPRAWDĘ działają i dostarczą Ci nowych klientów.


Nauczysz się, jak przenieść wizję swojego biznesu online do internetu, aby skutecznie pozyskiwać klientów i sprzedawać. Dowiesz się więcej o programach takich jak: Canva, GetResponse, WordPress, Vimeo. Pokażę Ci, jak prowadzić webinary, obrabiać video, tworzyć kurs online oraz jak umieścić go na platformie. Kwestie techniczne już nie będą czarną magią.

Women’s Online Business Academy

Is for you, if…

you have an online business and you want to develop it so that it brings better income,

you plan to start your online business and you want to save time and money avoiding mistakes which lead you away from success,

you want to earn more and work less in order to have more time for you, your family and close ones,

you dream of stability in your business and financial tranquility,

you want to learn how to approach business strategically in order to achieve the set goals,

you have talents, skills or knowledge which you would like to successfully monetise, but you don't know how,

you wish to make invaluable contacts with other resourceful women,

you want to build self-confidence, expand skillset and competences and find courage to get what you want,

you intend to integrate your stationary and online businesses to diversify income and gain a second business leg.

Or maybe you are on a more advanced level?

If so, the Women’s Online Business Academy can also give you opportunity to expand your business!

In the programme we work on concrete information. This means that during the 6 months I accompany you in you own process. Regardless of your level of advancement you adjust the goal and the work done in the programme to yourself. You actively strive to fullfill you business plans. Thanks to the live sessions:

we analise together what is happening in your business,

we talk about how your work on your business is progressing,

we figure out what else to change and improve to achieve the goal you set at the beginning of the Academy.







For six months I will be assisting you in solving every business problem you are dealing with. Women’s Online Business Academy stands for working on your company. It’s your own case study. Everything so that you reach the goals you set for yourself and after six months can reach a place you dream of being in.

By joining the prorgramme you get:

two 3-day sessions live in Poznań

(worth 8000 PLN)

four all-day online sessions

(worth 6000 PLN)

my mentoring with elements of mastermind

(worth 8000 PLN)

PDF materials, scripts, templates, webinar presentations, a workbook, Online Superwomen Diary

(worth 1000 PLN)

access to Facebook group exclusively for the members of the Women’s Online Business Academy

(worth 1000 PLN)

That’s not all! Additionally, you will learn from experts in different areas – live and online!

AND you get professional photo shoot!

PLUS you will appear as an expert in the conference for women!

1,5 h online workshop with Katarzyna Syrówka “How to effectively use your strong suits to develop your online business?” (worth 1500 PLN – for participants who took the Gallup test)

2h stationary worshop with Anna Diller “How to build an engaged online community arund your brand, who buy our products?” (worth 1000 PLN)

2h stationary worshop with Agnieszka Gaczkowska “Narrow niche as a way to gain profit worth millions in online business” (worth 2000 PLN)

1,5h stationary or online worshop with Natalia Winiarz from Natea Desing “How to create a beautiful brand image which reflects us as a personal brand and appeal to the customer?” (worth 1000 PLN)

Image photo shoot with photographer Agnieszka Werecha-Osińska, where you will pick 3 best photos to use in your business (worth 1000 PLN) and 1h Stationary workshop with Agnieszka “How to take beuautiful photos for your online brand by yourself? (worth 700 PLN)

Appearance at the online conference „Women’s Online Super-Business”, where you will talk about a topic of your choosing and will show the world what your area of expertise is (worth 1500 PLN)

What’s MORE? Yes, there’s more!

Access to 2 chosen online workshops available in my offer – so that you perpare as well as possible to the process and have no problem with implementing your strategy (worth 3997 PLN)

Total value of this programme is 36,697 PLN. This is a Standard Packet.

VIP Packet is worth in total 44,697 PLN.

Taking part in the Women’s Online Business Academy gives you ready tools and knowledge from practitioners, who will enable you to make more money and you will be more satisfied with your work.

All you need to do is engage and trust the process. As little and as much.

I am perfectly aware that 36,697 PLN is a huge sum, let alone 44,697 PLN. That is why I decided that it won’t be 40,000 or 30,000 or even 20,000 PLN.

Joining the Women’s Online Business Academy is a step to successully launch your business. A step towards enormous changes in your business, as well as life. And I want to support you and I want this sum to be affordable with a wide offer in the programme, the many sessions and bonuses.

Only 20 ambicious womencan join the Women’s Online Business Academy and the price for 6-month premium mentoring programme with bonuses is 10,000 PLN in the Standard Packet or 12,000 PLN in the VIP Packet

The VIP Packet includes additional 3h of individual consultations with me after the programme is over, appearing together in #Superponiedziałek live and mailing your offer to my community.

It’s a one-time investment in yourself and your business which will bring profit as long as you put the advice from the programme into action. The participants of my course claim that thanks to the knowledge and experience I share with them, their approach to business has changed completely and they radically increased their income.

All you need on your part is commitment and trust. I will do everything in my power for you to reach the next level in your business, work less, earn more and be satisfied and happy to be running your company. But you have to help me by engaging and actively working on your business. Without your readiness there’s no way your business gets results you want.


Do we have a deal?

By the time the
Women’s Online Business Academy is over…

You will gain a mindset of a woman of success and self-confidence in running your business,

And decisions you make will be true to you and your business strategy,

You will build a position as an expert in your area

And you will begin to attract profitable customers, whom you always wanted to have,

get a grip of technical issues,

you spent countless hours over and automize your business, so that you make profit even when you don’t work,

you will solve your business problems and doubts, so that your company brings you 5- or 6-digit income,

no matter if you’re a beginner or advanced in your business endevours,

you'll be ready to earn big money,

and abundance in life and you will learn how to set and visualize goals in order to achieve each and every one of them.

To sum up, this is what you will get when you join the Women’s Online Business Academy:

Standard Packet

Zawartość pakietu:Content of the Packet:
36 694 PLN
10 000 PLN

two 3-day sessions live in Poznań (worth 8000 PLN)

4 all-day online sessions (worth 7000 PLN)

my mentoring with elements of mastermind (o wartości 8000 PLN)

PDF materials, scripts, templates, webinar presentations, a workbook, Online Superwomen Diary (worth 1000 PLN)

access to Facebook group exclusively for the members of the Women’s Online Business Academy (worth 1000 PLN)

Plus 8 additional bonuses,

Which will allow you to develop your business more effectively in order to earn and work as much as you like:

1,5 h online workshop with Katarzyna Syrówka “How to effectively use your strong suits to develop your online business?” (worth 1500 PLN – for participants who took the Gallup test)

2h online worshop with Anna Diller “How to build an engaged online community around your brand, who buy our products?” (worth 1000 PLN)

2h online worshop with Agnieszka Gaczkowska “Narrow niche as a way to gain profit worth millions in online business” (worth 2000 PLN)

1h online worshop with Natalia Winiarz from Natea Desing “How to create a beautiful brand image which reflects us as a personal brand and appeal to the customer?” (worth 1000 PLN)

Image photo shoot with photographer Agnieszka Werecha-Osińska, where you will pick 3 best photos to use in your business (worth 1000 PLN) and 1h Stationary workshop with Agnieszka “How to take beautiful photos for your online brand by yourself?” (worth 700 PLN)

Appearance at the online conference „Women's Online Super-Business”, where you will talk about a topic of your choosing and will show the world what your area of expertise is (worth 1500 PLN) and support in preparing for it

Access to 2 chosen online workshops available in my offer (worth 3994 PLN)

VIP Packet

Content of the Packet
44 694 PLN
12 000 PLN

two 3-day sessions live in Poznań (worth 8000 PLN)

4 all-day online sessions (worth 7000 PLN)

my mentoring with elements of mastermind (o wartości 8000 PLN)

PDF materials, scripts, templates, webinar presentations, a workbook, Online Superwomen Diary (worth 1000 PLN)

access to Facebook group exclusively for the members of the Women’s Online Business Academy (worth 1000 PLN)

Plus 8 additional bonuses,

Which will allow you to develop your business more effectively in order to earn and work as much as you like:

1,5 h online workshop with Katarzyna Syrówka “How to effectively use your strong suits to develop your online business?” (worth 1500 PLN – for participants who took the Gallup test)

2h online worshop with Anna Diller “How to build an engaged online community around your brand, who buy our products?” (worth 1000 PLN)

2h online worshop with Agnieszka Gaczkowska “Narrow niche as a way to gain profit worth millions in online business” (worth 2000 PLN)

1h online worshop with Natalia Winiarz from Natea Desing “How to create a beautiful brand image which reflects us as a personal brand and appeal to the customer?” (worth 1000 PLN)

Image photo shoot with photographer Agnieszka Werecha-Osińska, where you will pick 3 best photos to use in your business (worth 1000 PLN) and 1h Stationary workshop with Agnieszka “How to take beautiful photos for your online brand by yourself?” (worth 700 PLN)

Appearance at the online conference „Women's Online Super-Business”, where you will talk about a topic of your choosing and will show the world what your area of expertise is (worth 1500 PLN) and support in preparing for it

Access to 2 chosen online workshops available in my offer (worth 3994 PLN)

Additionally in the VIP Packet you get:

three 1h individual consultation (worth 4500 PLN)

appearing together in #Superponiedziałek live on FB iandYT (worth 500 PLN)

mailing your offer to my community (worth 3000 PLN)

The Women’s Online Business Academy door closes in:


Frequently Asked Questions:

When and where the sessions take place?

Zjazdy stacjonarne odbywają się w Poznaniu, natomiast online spotkamy się przez platformę Zoom.

Daty spotkań na żywo: 6-8.01.2023, 3-5.03.2023 – w tym 5.03.22 próby przed konferencją.

Daty spotkań online: 18.02.2023, 8.04.2023, 13.05.2023, 3.06.2023

1.04 – konferencja “Kobiecy Super-Biznes Online”, na której pokażesz światu swój biznes.

If I can't be at the session in Poznań in person, can I take part online?

TAK. Jeśli wyjątkowo nie będziesz mogła uczestniczyć fizycznie, to połączymy się przez platformę Zoom, abyś nie straciła ani jednej cennej minuty.

Can I pay in installments?

TAK. Możesz rozłożyć płatność na raty. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowana tą opcją, napisz do mnie na hello@karolinakizinska.pl lub wspomnij o tym w kwestionariuszu.

Does the price include board and accomodation?

NIE. Cena nie zawiera wyżywienia oraz noclegu, organizujesz to we własnym zakresie. Polecam umówić się z innymi uczestniczkami. 🙂

What two online workshops can I have access to as a bonus?

Do wyboru masz szkolenia: Super-Strategia, Super-Proste, Super-Sprzedaż, Super-Oferta, Super-Automat, Super-Mindset.

Will I get the recordings of the online sessions? For what period of time?

TAK. Dostęp do nagrań dostajesz na platformie na okres 24 miesięcy.

What kind of support can I expect from you?

Jestem znana z tego, że dbam o swoje klientki i ich efekty. A to oznacza, że jeżeli w dowolnym momencie będziesz potrzebowała mojego wsparcia, to wystarczy, że wyślesz do mnie maila ze swoim pytaniem na hello@karolinakizinska.pl lub napiszesz swoje pytanie na naszej prywatnej grupie na Facebooku.

Do you issue a VAT invoice?

TAK. Tę inwestycję możesz wrzucić w koszty.

I have some additional questions, where can I ask them?

Napisz do mnie na hello@karolinakizinska.pl

Join our group of up to 20 extraordinary women

who want to build a stable, profitable online business in order to make 5- or 6-digit income even on vacation.

Registration expired in January 2023 – currently no vacancies

You can sign up for the waiting list